Purple Slushie



Running Man Streaming FREE

Owkay. Running Man is a variety show in Korea that has been popular lately. This show has 6 host that will be involved in a race at a certain landmark in Korea. The race always held when the landmark is closed. So basically these 6 people and guest stars will be running up and down to win a race in an empty building. How cool is that! 

If you want to stream this funny game show, just click here and you'll find all episodes of Running Man. 

Enjoy and laugh as hard as possible. ;)




Holiday, nothing to do, bored as hell....and I find myself back on this blog ;)

Karena gaada kerjaan yang mendukung kreativitas lainnya, mending ngepost gajelas he he he

Udah brapa lama ya ga ngepost gini, dari sejak blog rame sampe sepi gini. 
Okay that's it and that's all, see you in the next post! 



ih udah lama banget ga buka blog terlantarkan iniii...... sedih kesel seneng ngakak juga ngeliat post" pas masi frik duluuu... hahaha
i just come back to officially delete all of those posts, well almost all....

goodbye my lovely blog.byemuah :*

And they live happily ever after.... THE END :)

Hei... :) 
Sometimes it's hard to let go things or people that we love. But we gotta do what we have to do. 
I love this blog, trust me :')

From the beginning, I was just little girl who wanna have a blog so I can write whatever I want, even though if there is nobody read it, I just feel...relief and satisfied. ;) 
But now my friends read about it...yea it's a problem.
1. I cant express myself as free as I was
2. People might know my darkest, biggest secret! :o
3. It's just not comfortable anymore... It's no longer private.

Soo....from now on, I guess I won't be posting at this blog again. 
Silly me!  It's just a blog but now I'm sad about leaving it. Yea freaking pathetic. Wtv.
Maybe someday I'll make a new one, I'm not sure. Bye all................... Don't miss me and my silly posts!

Keep Moving Forward! -Walt Disney-

If you can't fly then run,
If you can't run then walk,
If you can't walk then crawl,
But whatever you do,
You gotta k.e.e.p.m.o.v.i.n.g.f.o.r.w.a.r.d
 CAOO :)

So I'll see you soon CIMED :'(

There you go, to Vegas, five years.......................................................................

Hey.... Jadi singkat cerita, teman kita yang bernama Clement Juan ini akan pergi keluar negri ;( Dan dia pergi selama 5 tahun..... Sedih banget ya hiks...
Jadi hari Minggu kemaren, tgl 26 Februari,
 gw cicil karin monja ito bete uta enka adlar fefed angella vio vega kuskus willy yoyo dan kevin lee
pergi ke bandara utntuk menghantarkan kepergian Cimed ini...

Hemm.. Awalnya cimed bilang masuk ke flight skitar setengah 3. Jadi waktu dateng jam 12an, gw masi haha-hehe aja, dan monja langsung nangis. :') Dan pas ketemu cimed juga dia masi ketawa" seakan" ga ada apa, hahaha aneh nya itu bikin gw makin sedih. Lalu katanya pesawatnya di delay sampe jam 3. Great. Bagus. Hahahah tapiii jam 13.30 tiba" cimed udah disuru masuk ke ruang tunggu. D: disitu tangis gw langsung pecah. Keki, kesel, sedih, nyesel semua campur aduk. Katanya masi jam 3? Dan gw udah tanya berkali kali kali ke dia tapi ya dia ga bilang kalo sebelom jam 3 disuru masuk ruang tunggu. Hm........ :''''(  awalnya dia masi ketawa" tapi pas udah baris buat masuk ke ruang tunggu, cimed spertinya nangis dannn itu bikin gw makin makin sedih.

Akhirnya gw pulang sama karin cicil monja dengan keadaan masi nangis. Sepanjang perjalanan kita cuma diem aja, kaya masi.........hampa?    :/

CIMED we will always looveee yoouu, jangan lupa sama kita" di Vegas. Walaupun beda waktu 15 jam dan jarak yg ga terhitung, kita tak akan terpisahkan oleh jarak & waktu. Haahaaha smoga disana ga makin suburr, janga makan fast food mulu, sekolah yang bener, jangan judi, jangan aneh", GOD BLEES :)
Recis cup 2010
IX D - Recis

2009. VIII Recis

Soekarno Hatta airport . 26.2.2012

.........................................................................and we will be here 5 years from now, waiting for you to come home :')

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Running Man Streaming FREE

Posted by Samantha Maria at 11:32 PM 0 comments
Owkay. Running Man is a variety show in Korea that has been popular lately. This show has 6 host that will be involved in a race at a certain landmark in Korea. The race always held when the landmark is closed. So basically these 6 people and guest stars will be running up and down to win a race in an empty building. How cool is that! 

If you want to stream this funny game show, just click here and you'll find all episodes of Running Man. 

Enjoy and laugh as hard as possible. ;)


Posted by Samantha Maria at 11:18 PM 0 comments

Holiday, nothing to do, bored as hell....and I find myself back on this blog ;)

Karena gaada kerjaan yang mendukung kreativitas lainnya, mending ngepost gajelas he he he

Udah brapa lama ya ga ngepost gini, dari sejak blog rame sampe sepi gini. 
Okay that's it and that's all, see you in the next post! 


Monday, December 31, 2012


Posted by Samantha Maria at 1:16 AM 0 comments
ih udah lama banget ga buka blog terlantarkan iniii...... sedih kesel seneng ngakak juga ngeliat post" pas masi frik duluuu... hahaha
i just come back to officially delete all of those posts, well almost all....

goodbye my lovely blog.byemuah :*

Thursday, March 15, 2012

And they live happily ever after.... THE END :)

Posted by Samantha Maria at 2:38 AM 0 comments
Hei... :) 
Sometimes it's hard to let go things or people that we love. But we gotta do what we have to do. 
I love this blog, trust me :')

From the beginning, I was just little girl who wanna have a blog so I can write whatever I want, even though if there is nobody read it, I just feel...relief and satisfied. ;) 
But now my friends read about it...yea it's a problem.
1. I cant express myself as free as I was
2. People might know my darkest, biggest secret! :o
3. It's just not comfortable anymore... It's no longer private.

Soo....from now on, I guess I won't be posting at this blog again. 
Silly me!  It's just a blog but now I'm sad about leaving it. Yea freaking pathetic. Wtv.
Maybe someday I'll make a new one, I'm not sure. Bye all................... Don't miss me and my silly posts!

Keep Moving Forward! -Walt Disney-

If you can't fly then run,
If you can't run then walk,
If you can't walk then crawl,
But whatever you do,
You gotta k.e.e.p.m.o.v.i.n.g.f.o.r.w.a.r.d
 CAOO :)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

So I'll see you soon CIMED :'(

Posted by Samantha Maria at 1:18 PM 0 comments
There you go, to Vegas, five years.......................................................................

Hey.... Jadi singkat cerita, teman kita yang bernama Clement Juan ini akan pergi keluar negri ;( Dan dia pergi selama 5 tahun..... Sedih banget ya hiks...
Jadi hari Minggu kemaren, tgl 26 Februari,
 gw cicil karin monja ito bete uta enka adlar fefed angella vio vega kuskus willy yoyo dan kevin lee
pergi ke bandara utntuk menghantarkan kepergian Cimed ini...

Hemm.. Awalnya cimed bilang masuk ke flight skitar setengah 3. Jadi waktu dateng jam 12an, gw masi haha-hehe aja, dan monja langsung nangis. :') Dan pas ketemu cimed juga dia masi ketawa" seakan" ga ada apa, hahaha aneh nya itu bikin gw makin sedih. Lalu katanya pesawatnya di delay sampe jam 3. Great. Bagus. Hahahah tapiii jam 13.30 tiba" cimed udah disuru masuk ke ruang tunggu. D: disitu tangis gw langsung pecah. Keki, kesel, sedih, nyesel semua campur aduk. Katanya masi jam 3? Dan gw udah tanya berkali kali kali ke dia tapi ya dia ga bilang kalo sebelom jam 3 disuru masuk ruang tunggu. Hm........ :''''(  awalnya dia masi ketawa" tapi pas udah baris buat masuk ke ruang tunggu, cimed spertinya nangis dannn itu bikin gw makin makin sedih.

Akhirnya gw pulang sama karin cicil monja dengan keadaan masi nangis. Sepanjang perjalanan kita cuma diem aja, kaya masi.........hampa?    :/

CIMED we will always looveee yoouu, jangan lupa sama kita" di Vegas. Walaupun beda waktu 15 jam dan jarak yg ga terhitung, kita tak akan terpisahkan oleh jarak & waktu. Haahaaha smoga disana ga makin suburr, janga makan fast food mulu, sekolah yang bener, jangan judi, jangan aneh", GOD BLEES :)
Recis cup 2010
IX D - Recis

2009. VIII Recis

Soekarno Hatta airport . 26.2.2012

.........................................................................and we will be here 5 years from now, waiting for you to come home :')
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